Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: No Fear

“And most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.” Paul says in ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭1:14‬. Paul had no fear when he spoke of the Lord. He did not fear death. He lived with the understanding that if death was the greatest thing man could do to him, then there was no fear in that because death was gain for him. If he died he was just furthering the gospel, so it did not matter.

You will find a sense of freedom when you live in this way. You will see that you will not have any fear when telling others about Christ if you live in such a way that shows you do not fear death. Death can be scary for anyone, especially when you are going through something like cancer or other ailments. We need to be able to see death as Paul saw it, not as an end, but as the reward.

When someone dies that had a personal relationship with the Lord, it is a blessing. Their loved ones are reassured that they lived a life devoted to the Lord and have now received their reward: eternity with Jesus. When someone dies without Jesus, it is absolutely devastating knowing that they are eternally separated from Christ. As Christians we need to see death as a reward for anyone that knows Christ and have a sense of urgency for those who do not know Him.

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: The Purpose of Suffering

Paul’s purpose for suffering in Philippians 1:13 was “so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ.” His suffering had a purpose greater than him. If you would have told Paul that he would be suffering for the cause of Christ when he was a Pharisee, he probably would have never believed you. However, once God changed his life, his suffering took on a greater purpose.

Paul went through so much suffering in his life. He did it all for the cause of Christ. He always lived to make the gospel known in his life, so everything he did, he did for Christ, and that included suffering. We all go through suffering in our lives. How we view our suffering can have an impact on us. If we view our suffering as debilitating and destructive, then we will not allow God to use our suffering for good. If we view our suffering as a vessel for God’s glory, then we will be able to get through the suffering with purpose.

Have you been through suffering? Have you allowed God to walk you through it with purpose. There is always purpose in the pain if we allow God to be in control.

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: Advancing the Gospel

“I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel,” Paul exclaims in ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭1:12‬. Paul’s life was a life that advanced the gospel. Before He knew Christ, his life hindered the gospel. He persecuted anyone who did not follow the rules of the Old Testament and the Sanhedrin. But when his life was changed, it began to serve a greater purpose for Jesus Christ. His life was meant to advance the gospel.

As Christians, we have a greater purpose than just ourselves. We are meant to advance the gospel, too. Everything in our lives should point to who He is and what He had done in our lives. We should live our lives as if we are on mission for Him.

Does your life serve to advance the gospel? When others look at you, do they see the gospel of Jesus? The great thing about Jesus was that He came for all, so even if your life does not look perfect, all God sees is a redeemed life living to advance the gospel. Strive everyday to live in such a way that pleases the Lord and really points toward the work He is doing.

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: The Love of God

Paul tells his readers in Philippians 1:10-11 that his prayer is that they may abound in love “so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.” We can know God better when we allow His love to transform us. His love is the only thing that can change us from the inside out.

When we abound in the love of God, we can approve what is excellent. We will know God’s will and desires and the difference between right and wrong when we love God with a fierce kind of love and love others with that undying type of love. When we love like God loves, we will begin to understand how to be pure and blameless for Christ. He will fill us with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ. We will want to live a righteous life to please Him and know Him more. When we do this, it will give Him all glory and praise.

Spend some time in prayer today about how you can abound in his love everyday and let God change your life.

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: Your Testimony

Paul tells the Philippians in chapter one verse eight through nine, “For God is my witness, how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus. And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment.” He yearned for them to know the love of Christ. This was evidence of the spiritual change that had taken place within him. He did not care about people before he knew Christ. Before Christ, religion was just a set of rules and traditions. He even persecuted Christians like Stephen for their “radical beliefs.” Once he came to know Christ, he was a changed man. He knew that it was about a relationship with Christ and not just a relationship. He loved God’s people instead of persecuting them. He wanted them to know Christ in the way he had come to know him.

Your testimony and how you came to know Christ is a powerful story that can change lives. You can minister to the heart of people when they hear how Christ changed you. It is the evidence of the changed life within you. No matter the testimony of your life before Christ and the change that took place when you came to know Him, He can use your testimony to reach people you would have never thought could be reached. Your past failures and struggles can be used to encourage others and give them the hope of Christ.

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: Meeting Together

“It is right for me to feel this way about you all, because I hold you in my heart, for you are all partakers with me of grace, both in my imprisonment and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel.” Paul describes in ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭1:7‬. As Christians, we partake in each other’s hardships and joys. We are part of the family of God for a reason. He placed us on this earth so that we could rejoice when others rejoice and cry when others cry.

This was also the picture of the Acts 2 church. After Peter preached to the people on the Day of Pentecost, they began meeting together nonstop. They wanted to be together serving the Lord every minute they could. So they met in one another’s homes and broke bread together. They sold their things and gave them to the poor. Everything they did was for each other and for their community.

Do you know this type of fellowship? Do you love the church the way Paul did? Do you meet with other believers the way that the Acts 2 church did? If not, then you need to ask yourself why. Seek to serve the Lord today. You will be blessed.

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: The End of Our Lives

Paul shared a great hope with the Philippians in chapter one, verse six, “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” God will always bring our relationship with Him and our salvation to completion when we see Jesus.

The end of our lives will be evidence of the beginning of our lives. If we have lived a blessed life in the Lord, seeking to please Him in all we say and do, then we will experience His peace and be satisfied with how we lived our lives and served Him. However, if we live our lives for ourselves, then we will feel emptiness instead. The beginning of Paul’s life was spent trying to follow customs and a religion. His life was more about rules and order. When Jesus changed his life, everything changed. His life became more about hope and actually trusting the God he thought he had served before. He realized that it was not about a religion, but a relationship.

For most Christians, that is how it is. There is a time before Christ, then salvation and regeneration occurs, and then after Christ. Take some time to really examine your life pre-Christ and post-Christ. Are they the same? If they are then you may need to pray about how to focus your life on Christ and not the things of Christ. It is time we as Christians invest more in the relationship and less in the religion. We must understand the God we serve and what His heart truly wants.

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: Partnership in the Gospel

Paul tells the church of Philippi in Philippians 1:5 of his joy for them “because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” When we partner in the gospel we will experience the joys and everything that God has in store for us. Have you ever prayed for someone with such passion to see their life changed and then watched the amazing things God did? Your prayers change from urgency to joy. We only get to experience this when we are plugged in with others.

As part of the family of God, we are all plugged into the main source and can do great things when plugged into that source. We can do even greater things when we come together as Christians in unity for the cause of Christ. It is very similar to salt. One speck of salt cannot season food. All the pieces together are what seasons the food. As churches and the body of Christ we must work together to see lives changed.

When problems arise within the church and divisions occur, more than likely there were people who were not plugged into the gospel and to Christ. As churches, we must fall before the face of God and ask Him to lead us and guide us. If we are not following Him, then who or what are we following?

Spend some time in thought and prayer for how you can get involved in your church and start participating in the work Christ is doing in your community. Get plugged in to the One who changes everything.

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: The Joy You Have

Paul had a love for each of the churches and people he ministered to. He had a desire to see them be everything God had created them to be. In Philippians 1:4, he tells the church of Philippi that they are “always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayers with joy.” They brought him joy. His prayers were prayers of joy because of what the church was doing. Their actions brought him joy.

This is what happens when you pray. You get to see lives changed. When you invest in lives, you get to see how God transforms them. I have been a part of many Bible studies throughout my life and each one has had a major impact on my spiritual life. I have developed sweet friendships and have watched them grow in the Lord. I have seen some go on to be with the Lord and knew that they entered heaven because of their salvation and choice to love the Lord. It is an honor knowing these people.

Do you feel that type of joy for anyone? If you don’t, then pray about some ways you can get involved in your church and get to know His followers so that you can experience the type of joy Paul had for believers in Christ.

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: Love Like Paul

“Peace be to the brothers, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible,” Paul closes out his instructions to the church of Ephesus in Ephesians 6:23-24. Think about how you say goodbye to your family or a close friend versus someone you just met. When you leave someone you barely know, you might say, “Nice to meet you,” and give them a handshake. However, after leaving someone you are close to, you may give them a hug or kiss or even cry. This is how Paul felt about the people he ministered to. He longed for them to know God as he knew Him. He longed for them to feel the power of the Holy Spirit in the way he did. This is how he treated those he encountered.

What about you? Do you feel this way only about the ones you love or are close to? Or do you long for others to know God in the way you know Him? Well, the first step is to examine your relationship with the Lord. If you are close to Him and invest in your relationship with Him, then you will feel strongly for others. You will love your family, friends, church, and community with the type of love that only God gives. Your love for people will grow out of your love for the Lord, but there must be a love for the Lord first. Paul’s love for the Lord changed his life. He no longer cared about the things he did before; that was all part of his former life. Now he only cared about Jesus and his message of the gospel. May you follow in his footsteps today.