Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: Your Testimony

Paul tells the Philippians in chapter one verse eight through nine, “For God is my witness, how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus. And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment.” He yearned for them to know the love of Christ. This was evidence of the spiritual change that had taken place within him. He did not care about people before he knew Christ. Before Christ, religion was just a set of rules and traditions. He even persecuted Christians like Stephen for their “radical beliefs.” Once he came to know Christ, he was a changed man. He knew that it was about a relationship with Christ and not just a relationship. He loved God’s people instead of persecuting them. He wanted them to know Christ in the way he had come to know him.

Your testimony and how you came to know Christ is a powerful story that can change lives. You can minister to the heart of people when they hear how Christ changed you. It is the evidence of the changed life within you. No matter the testimony of your life before Christ and the change that took place when you came to know Him, He can use your testimony to reach people you would have never thought could be reached. Your past failures and struggles can be used to encourage others and give them the hope of Christ.