Verse of the Day

Matthew 5:9

God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God.

Matthew 5:9


There are not many peacemakers in the world today. But peacemakers is exactly what this world needs. Christians are called to be peacemakers. So what exactly does that mean? A peacemaker is not someone who just gives in to what others want, nor is it someone who gives in to other belief systems because they don’t want to make waves. Instead, this versus says a peacemaker is someone who looks for peace in the midst of the storm. When the enemy threatens to divide God’s children, a peacemaker is the bridge to help overcome the gaps that sin and discord can create. A peacemaker seeks to bring about unity so that God’s people can work toward a common goal. A peacemaker seeks all those who don’t know Christ and shares the gospel and the good news to help heal their hearts.

Are you a peacemaker or someone who desires peace? A peacemaker is driven by the peace that lives inside their hearts. So if this is something you desire, come and pray to the God of peace, that He will place peace in your heart to share with the world around you.

A Prayer to Remember

Dear Lord,
May I be a peacemaker in the midst of a world in turmoil. Help me bring peace to the world around me. Amen.

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: Fruit of the Spirit: Living as an Offering

Once you understand all of the fruit of the Spirit, you will be able to recognize them in your daily life and how you can better use them to serve the Lord. When you offer yourself as an offering and submit your life to Him, you will see many people affected by your submission, whether that is your spouse, children, family, friends, or coworkers. Romans 11:16 tells us, “And since Abraham and the other patriarchs were holy, their descendants will also be holy—just as the entire batch of dough is holy because the portion given as an offering is holy. For if the roots of the tree are holy, the branches will be, too.”

Take peace for example. When you live in peace with others and strive to keep dissention and conflict out of your life, you will see the people around you striving to do the same. Kindness is another good example of living out the fruit of the spirit. If you make kindness to others a part of your daily life by the way that you live and breathe, the words that you say and the actions that you show, your children will remember your kindness and try to live the way that you have shown them. Abraham’s sons followed in his footsteps and lived connected to God because of the faith that Abraham portrayed. The seed is the gospel that grows into a strong tree, and the fruit of the spirit are the branches of the tree that is rooted in Christ.

Romans 12:1 commands Christians to offer themselves as living sacrifices. To be a “living: sacrifice,” as verse one states, you must daily seek the Lord and strive to show the fruit of the Spirit everywhere you go. Stay connected to Christ so that your branches will remain strong.

Verse of the Day

Romans 8:6

So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.

Romans 8:6


There are consequences for every type of action. This verse says that when you allow the spirit to control your heart and mind you will find peace and even life. But when you allow your sinful nature, which we all have, control who you are, you will find only death. We will all struggle in this life to constantly allow the spirit to be in control. We were all born into sin and continue to struggle with sin even after salvation. But it does not have to control us. When Jesus is Lord of your heart, He is in control. When he went to death on the cross, he reserved the right to be in control of your life. You just have to decide that is what you want.

It is no different than driving a car. When you drive a car, do you want to be in control or do you want the person riding with you to be in control? God wants to be in control. He can see the journey and the road ahead, so let Him drive!

A Prayer to Remember

Dear Lord,
May my life be led by the Spirit instead of by my sinful nature. Lead me, Lord. Be my life. Be in control of my life. Amen.

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: Be Happy and Enjoy Yourselves

Solomon searched for happiness everywhere and couldn’t find anything to bring the type of happiness he was looking for. Instead, he found that to everything there is a season and that true joy only comes from the Lord. His conclusion in Ecclesiastes 3:11-12 states, “Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end. So I concluded there is nothing better than to be happy and enjoy ourselves as long as we can.”

True joy comes from the Lord. Many nonbelievers think that Christianity is just a list of rules. But it is much more than that. He planted eternity ine the heart of every believer. Eternity with Him is what gives the believer joy. Since it is in the heart of man, man longs to know his Creator more and more. He has placed that desire within us. Other people would say, “God wants me to be happy.” While there is a little bit of truth in that statement, it is a very shallow, human thought. His desire is for us to desire Him; He longs for us to make Him our joy. If we are seeking Him and His heart, then we will find the happiness we are looking for in Him. Solomon discovered this truth after seeking after meaningless things.

Finding His joy is a process. He plants eternity in our hearts, which means we have His joy from the minute we are saved, but we tend to look in other places for our happiness. So just as Solomon was on a journey to find the real meaning of life and joy, it may take us a while to learn the truth as he did. It may cost us heartaches, mistakes, and consequences. Ultimately though, if we seek after Him instead of meaningless things, we will cause ourselves a lot less heartache and will find true joy!

Verse of the Day

Matthew 7:22-23

On judgment day many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.’ But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.’

Matthew 7:22-23

Know Him

This verse is a devastating verse if you really think about it. In our world today, there are so many people who claim to know Christ. They claim to be a Christian but deny him by the way they live. Jesus’ words for these types of people are very harsh. He says even though they will say all of the things that they have done in His name, He will say the key is not just in being a Christian. It is more than just the actions or the words you say. It is a lifestyle. It is the motivation behind why you do what you do. It is the breath that breathes throughout your body. Others around you should know that you are a Christian buy your fruit. There shouldn’t be a shadow of a doubt who you belong to and who you serve.

Do you know Christ in this way? Does his blood run through your veins? Or is it more of a religion to you? Take some time to really examine why you are a Christian and how others know you are a Christian. Make Him the true Lord of your heart today.

A Prayer to Remember

Dear Lord,
I want others around me to know I am a Christian. Give me the words to say when I am afraid. Give me the actions that show good fruit. Amen.

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: Throughout the Seasons

The seasons come and go. Every year they change. No matter what happens in life, the seasons come right on time. Summer will give way to fall, fall turn to winter, winter will change to spring, and it will all start over again. Ecclesiastes describes the seasons, but not in their physical form, more in the nature of change and the seasons of life. Chapter 3 says that for everything there is a season and a time. The seasons of life change just as the actual seasons change. The difference is that there is usually not the same season from year to year.

We go through things in our life and periods where some seasons are easier, some are more joyful, and some are just plain difficult. There are seasons of sorrow and seasons of rejoicing. Everything has a beginning and an end. Ecclesiastes 3:2 says that there is a time to be born and a time to die, and then it goes on to explain everything that happens in between. This list shows us two important parts of life: the joy and excitement that come with some events and the trouble and heartache that come with others. A baby being born is such a beautiful time in a married couples life, while death brings sorrow and grief. Verse 3b says “a time to tear down and a time to build up.” When something ends, like a relationship or a job, it is time to tear it down. This can cause heartache and longing for what was. However, joy comes with new beginnings and a time to build something up, like a new relationship or career. That is just one example in a list of many others on Ecclesiastes 3.

All of this is part of life. While heartache is hard, it is a necessary season of life that can grow who you are as a person and bring you closer to the Lord. Seasons of joy and love also grow your relationship with the Lord and help you feel thankful and blessed. Take some time to read all of chapter 3 and praise God for the work He is doing in your life!

Verse of the Day

Matthew 7:17-18

A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit. A good tree can’t produce bad fruit, and a bad tree can’t produce good fruit.

Matthew 7:17-18

Good Fruit

Have you ever heard the lyrics “you will know they are Christians by their love”? These lyrics really pinpoint what it means to be a Christian. The evidence of our Christianity is in the fruit we bear. It is in the goodness that we show others. It is in the patience we have with those around us. It is in the love we give to our neighbor and even our enemies. It is in the peace that we have in our hearts that allows us to get along with others. A good tree will produce these kinds of fruit. A Spirit filled life that is following the Lord will produce the fruit of the spirit. A bad tree, however, will produce bad fruit. It cannot produce good fruit. It is difficult to find good fruit from a tree that is not rooted in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Which tree describes your life? Are you a good tree that is following after the Lord? Have you planted yourself in Him and Him only? Or are your roots shallow and easy to destroy? Root yourself in him and you will find all of these fruits.

A Prayer to Remember

Dear Lord,
May my life produce good fruit. May I be rooted in you so that others see the good fruit in my life. Amen.

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: Nothing New Under the Sun

Ecclesiastes chapter 1 says that there is nothing new under the sun. History merely repeats itself. This is an interesting concept to think about. There is nothing new under the sun. That means that all the hurts and pains that we go through in this world are not new. That means that there is no new sin, there are no new ideas, nothing that man can do is new. There may be new ways of doing things, but the concepts themselves are not new.

We should not be shocked when the world acts as if they are lost because they are. They will do things that show they are lost. Sometimes you hear people say things are way worse than they used to be. If you read the Bible then you know that is not true. Sins can be recycled over and over and over again. Look at Sodom and Gomorrah; they were so bad that God destroyed them. Their sin was so great that God decided they should no longer exist. This is just one example of how things are not necessarily worse today. People are sinful, and so they will act sinful now just as they always have.

Ecclesiastes 1:10 says that “Sometimes people say, ‘Here is something new!’ But actually it is old; nothing is ever truly new. We don’t remember what happened in the past, and in future generations, no one will remember what we are doing now.” Oh how our memories are so short! We think we’ve been alive for a long time and know a lot about what has happened, but our time on earth is but a mist. Since we know that nothing is new under the sun, then we know the consequences for actions, and that should serve as a warning to us now. Just as sin is not new, God’s wisdom is also not new. The Bible has stood the test of time. We can learn from the past, what happened when people went against God, and even the lessons that godly men and women learned when they tried to do things their own way.

Verse of the Day

Ephesians 5:17

Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do.

Ephesians 5:17

Seek the Lord

Some Christians try desperately to figure out the will of the Lord and what He wants to do in their life. Other Christians completely disregard what God wants to do and live their life with themselves in mind. God wants us to follow Him and seek Him and all that we do. We should always give careful thoughts to decisions, especially big decisions, and try and understand what it is He would have us to do. He does care about the little things in our lives because they can lead to the big things.

Give careful thought to your words and actions. They can have great consequence both for you and others around you. Pray and ask God how you can serve Him with the decisions you make, the words you say, and the thoughts you think.

A Prayer to Remember

Dear Lord,
Help me keep my mind pure and help me serve you. May I involve you in little decisions and big decisions and always give careful thought to everything. Amen.

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: Nothing Can Separate You

If God is for us, who can be against us? What else is there for man to fear? This verse in Romans 8:31 is an encouraging verse because it tells us that there is absolutely nothing in this world that can tear us apart from the love of Christ. Once we become one of his children, we are His and are held in the palm of His hands.

Verse 35 says that nothing can separate us from His love. The devil cannot separate from the love of Christ because the work has already been done. He already won the victory at the cross. However, the enemy will continuously try to entrap us again and again. He will try to steal our joy and make us question God. He will use others to try and accomplish this. He reigns over the darkness and is always working in the lives of those who don’t know him. So when we are hurt by someone who doesn’t know the Lord, we must remember that they are not one of His people, so they will not act like Him. We have become His sons and daughters, so we must act like Him. What a comforting thought that there is nothing that can separate us from His love. He is always with us.

So when others come against us or question our beliefs, we can rest assured that God is for us and will stand with us when we take a stand! Take comfort in knowing that God is with you and that nothing can separate you from His love!