Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: Throughout the Seasons

The seasons come and go. Every year they change. No matter what happens in life, the seasons come right on time. Summer will give way to fall, fall turn to winter, winter will change to spring, and it will all start over again. Ecclesiastes describes the seasons, but not in their physical form, more in the nature of change and the seasons of life. Chapter 3 says that for everything there is a season and a time. The seasons of life change just as the actual seasons change. The difference is that there is usually not the same season from year to year.

We go through things in our life and periods where some seasons are easier, some are more joyful, and some are just plain difficult. There are seasons of sorrow and seasons of rejoicing. Everything has a beginning and an end. Ecclesiastes 3:2 says that there is a time to be born and a time to die, and then it goes on to explain everything that happens in between. This list shows us two important parts of life: the joy and excitement that come with some events and the trouble and heartache that come with others. A baby being born is such a beautiful time in a married couples life, while death brings sorrow and grief. Verse 3b says “a time to tear down and a time to build up.” When something ends, like a relationship or a job, it is time to tear it down. This can cause heartache and longing for what was. However, joy comes with new beginnings and a time to build something up, like a new relationship or career. That is just one example in a list of many others on Ecclesiastes 3.

All of this is part of life. While heartache is hard, it is a necessary season of life that can grow who you are as a person and bring you closer to the Lord. Seasons of joy and love also grow your relationship with the Lord and help you feel thankful and blessed. Take some time to read all of chapter 3 and praise God for the work He is doing in your life!