Verse of the Day

Psalm 5:3

Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly.

Psalm 5:3

Patience in the Morning

Be patient in the morning and patient in your mourning. Patience can be incredibly straining when you experience a tragedy or a difficult situation. It can be hard to wait on the Lord when you feel like all you hear is silence. So why should you wait on Him?

In a world that tells you not to wait for anything, but instead take hold of what is in front of you, be patient, knowing that God will be the good in your life. He will be faithful to fulfill His promises. Know that He is always working for your good. He is trustworthy; you can bring your requests to Him. When you trust Him in your waiting, you will see His faithfulness. This verse tells you not to just wait, but wait expectantly. Understand that when you trust Him to be your guide, you will see Him do amazing things.

A Prayer to Remember

Dear Lord,
You are good, Oh Lord. Help me to trust in you and your work. Help me to wait patiently for you. Amen.