Verse of the Day

Isaiah 43:19

For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.

Isaiah 43:19

Something New

I love this verse because it gives so much hope. The people of Israel had been through so much. They had walked with God and then they disobeyed God. Then once again they found God and then they fell away again and served other gods. Through it all, God never changed. He still had a love for the people and a desire to see the change and obey. This verse is a “wait and see what I’m about to do” kind of verse. It gave the Israelites hope once again. He was telling them that He hadn’t given up on them. He still loved them and was making a way for them through the wilderness, the dry wasteland, the darkness.

Jesus was that way! Jesus was the way to salvation for the people of Israel and still is the way today! He cares just as much for you and me as He did for the Israelites all those years ago. Except, the way has already been made. Jesus Christ and His salvation paved the way for you and me! WHat great hope we have when we accept His salvation!

A Prayer to Remember

Dear Lord,
You are the way, the truth, and the life! No one comes to you except through Jesus Christ Himself. Thank you for making a way for me to live. Amen.