Verse of the Day

Genesis 1:27-28

So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.”

Genesis 1:27-28

In His Image

God created us in HIS image. What an amazing thing to think about. He crafted male and female to reflect who He is. Both men and women have qualities that only God has. He gave men the ability to lead their families and strength to endure hardships. He gave women the ability to care for others and a tenderness that offers grace and mercy to those around them. Together, they reflect the complete nature of our heavenly Father. This was His design for marriage, His purpose. This was why He brought man and woman together.

He then blessed Adam and Eve after He created them; He told them to be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and then reign over all the animals. Together they would fill the earth. Together they would reign over the animals. Whatever would happen, they would face it together. And THAT is why God made both of them for each other.

A Prayer to Remember

Dear Lord,

Thank you for giving us yourself through the example of marriage. May we reflect your love, your grace, and your leadership as we navigate through this life together. Amen

Verse of the Day

Isaiah 12:6

Let all the people of Jerusalem shout his praise with joy! For great is the Holy One of Israel who lives among you.

Isaiah 12:6

Shout for Joy!

When you get to heaven, you will experience the most amazing worship you have ever experienced. Angels praising around the throne, those who have gone before us welcoming and joining in. Oh, what a wonderful sight it will be! We can have a piece of that on earth! When believers come together to praise and worship our heavenly Father, the true king, we can experience a little bit of heaven on earth.

Worship is not about singing songs, but an attitude of the heart. Romans 12:1 says, “And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.” Worship is about the way we live. When we live to serve others and we live for the Lord, we will discover that we can experience true worship with others here on earth.

A Prayer to Remember

Dear Lord,
Worship is a beautiful thing. I want my life to be an expression of my worship for you. God, help me live for you everyday. Amen.

Verse of the Day

Hebrews 11:27

It was by faith that Moses left the land of Egypt, not fearing the king’s anger. He kept right on going because he kept his eyes on the one who is invisible.

Hebrews 11:27

Eyes on the Prize

By faith Moses left all that he knew and was comfortable and ventured into the unknown. He was not afraid of pharaoh because he had a great fear of the Lord instead. I love this verse because it tells us that Moses kept his eye on the things that were invisible, not visible. He kept his eyes on the Lord and followed Him and His leading, knowing that God could deliver His people. He had his eyes set on the things of God that are invisible rather than the visible pleasures of man.

In this world today, it can be easy to focus on the visible rather than invisible. People tend to only place their beliefs in things they can see rather than the unseen. They put their faith in man and his creations rather than God and the unseen. Be like Moses and keep your eyes on the Lord and all He can do instead of the things that are seen.

A Prayer to Remember

Dear Lord,
Help me focus on you and the unseen rather than what is seen. May I always keep my eyes on you. Amen.

Verse of the Day

2 Peter 2:1-2

But there were also false prophets in Israel, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will cleverly teach destructive heresies and even deny the Master who bought them. In this way, they will bring sudden destruction on themselves. 2 Many will follow their evil teaching and shameful immorality. And because of these teachers, the way of truth will be slandered.

2 Peter 2:1-2

False Prophets

Peter noted the words of the false teachers. During his time, there were people that spoke lies about who Jesus was and the authority that he had. These false teachers tried to persuade anyone they could to believe the words that they were saying. They wanted nothing more than to destroy Jesus in the eyes of the people and the ones to come.

False teachers are here today as well. There are still those who do not believe in Jesus or the Word of God. There are also those who twist the words of Scripture and make God out to be a liar. You must be on guard against false teachers. Protect yourself against their lies and schemes, and speak truth to others about these false teachers.

A Prayer to Remember

Dear Lord,
Please help me be aware of false teachers. May I be on guard against what is not true. Amen.

Verse of the Day

1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love.

1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Stand firm in the Faith

In this Christian journey, we will have troubles and experience times when we are weary. There can be many things in this life that can weigh you down: family issues, relationship problems, tragedies, illness, the state of the world, etc. One circumstance that can be especially wearing can be your faith in God. Serving the Lord can be discouraging when you feel alone or am constantly ridiculed for your faith.

This verse gives several commands to help you live by when standing up for your faith. First, be on guard. If you live by your faith, then you can be guaranteed that the devil will attack you and use others to do it. Second, stand firm. Know that the Lord is standing with you. Be courageous and strong. Trust that God will equip you. And last, do everything in love. Be kind and gentle with those who do not know the Lord. You may be the only Christian they know!

A Prayer to Remember

Dear Lord,
Help me stand strong and firm in the faith. I know you are standing with me Lord. Amen

Verse of the Day

Hebrews 11:24-26

It was by faith that Moses, when he grew up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He chose to share the oppression of God’s people instead of enjoying the fleeting pleasures of sin. He thought it was better to suffer for the sake of Christ than to own the treasures of Egypt, for he was looking ahead to his great reward.

Hebrews 11:24-26

The Great Reward

The faith of Moses was so strong according to these verses. He grew up in luxury living in the house of pharaoh. He was treated as a prince. However when he became an adult, he chose not to identify with the Egyptians, but instead to identify with his people: the Israelites. They were oppressed by the pharaoh and his people. They lived in slavery. According to these verses, Moses gave up the fleeting pleasures of sin and instead walked with his people. He knew he had a greater reward than anything the Egyptians could give him.

What about you? Are you living your life in such a way that shows that you are looking for a greater reward than anything this earth can give you?

A Prayer to Remember

Dear Lord,
You are worth more than anything this world could ever give. Thank you for heaven. Amen.

Verse of the Day

Romans 3:23-24

For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins.

Romans 3:23-24

Justified by Christ

Every person in this world has sinned and gone against God. We are born into sin, we continue sinning as we grow, until we meet the Savior. We are not able to meet the standards of a holy God on our own. We can never be good enough to get ourselves into heaven. There had to be a way, a bridge, to connect us to God. Jesus became that bridge. God, in his grace, sent His son to die on the cross for our sins. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ freed us from the burdens of our sins and the punishment we deserved. This is the good news about Jesus and the gospel.

This is also the news that we need to tell the world. They don’t understand what sin is and how it impacts them and their eternal life. We hold the key, the answer. Only when they understand their sins and what Christ did for them, can they understand the freedom that he gives and live in that freedom. So share the gift you have been given and tell the world the good news about Jesus.

A Prayer to Remember

Dear Lord,
There are many people in my life who don’t know you. Give me the courage to share the good news about the freedom you have given me. Amen.

Verse of the Day

2 Peter 1:16-17

For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. He received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, saying, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”

2 Peter 1:16-17

The Father and the Son

Jesus Christ is God’s Son. God has all authority. He sent His Son Jesus to the earth to be a sacrifice for the sins of His people. The sins were so great that nothing else would do. So Jesus became the Lamb of God, The one who was slain for our iniquities. This pleased the Lord, not in a way that made him happy, but instead pleased him to carry out his plan. So he spoke about his son and said, This is my Son, with whom I am well pleased.

You cannot be a Christian without believing in the authority of Jesus Christ, the Son and God the Father. It is the foundation of the faith. Praise Him today for His authority and that God sent Jesus to earth for your sins!

A Prayer to Remember

Dear Lord,
Thank you for my salvation that only comes from you! You have all authority and you are the authority in my life. Amen.

Verse of the Day

Hebrews 11:23

It was by faith that Moses’ parents hid him for three months when he was born. They saw that God had given them an unusual child, and they were not afraid to disobey the king’s command.

Hebrews 11:23

The Faith of Moses’ Parents

This is a very interesting inclusion in the Hebrews 11 phase chapter. Moses’ parents were credited as faithful servants and righteous. They defied the law at the time and hid their son to protect him, knowing that he was special and would be a servant of God. They put their own lives at risk, and as a reward, Moses’ mother got to take care of him and watch him grow up in the house in a row. God was faithful to them because they had been faithful to him.

What are some things you need to do today to show God that you are faithful and you trust him in His leading of your life? Make a list of the ways that you can show God how faithful you are.

A Prayer to Remember

Dear Lord,
May my faith be as the faith of Moses’ parents. May I always trust in you no matter what comes my way. Amen.

Verse of the Day

Job 19:25-27

But as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and he will stand upon the earth at last. And after my body has decayed, yet in my body I will see God! I will see him for myself. Yes, I will see him with my own eyes. I am overwhelmed at the thought!

Job 19:25-27

Jesus Christ, the Redeemer

Job knew that His redeemer was alive. He was confident that if anything happened to him in this life, he would wake up and see Jesus in the next. Job had everything against him, lived through tragedy, and came out stronger on the other side, all because He knew God. He had hope knowing that if he died he would see Jesus himself. The thought overwhelmed him.

Job lost his family, his livelihood, and even his health. However, because of his faith, God blessed him tenfold. What about you? Do you have the kind of faith that Job had? Have you been through a tragedy in this life? Did it make you stronger or destroy your faith? Our faith should be built on our relationships with Jesus. If it is built on anything else, it will crumble in the face of danger. If the hope of Christ is our foundation, then our faith will stand strong like Job’s did. Pray today and ask God to strengthen your faith.

A Prayer to Remember

Dear God,
You are the hope of my salvation. In you I place my trust and my hope knowing that my faith shall stand when faced with danger. Amen