Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: Return to the Lord

One thing that is different between Christianity and other religions is the need for forgiveness. While other religions depend on works and how good you are, Christianity’s theme is on the forgiveness Christ gave when He died on the cross and the acceptance of that forgiveness by the believer. To the believer, God is a Father who disciplines and cares for His children. He is not a genie who grants wishes. Instead, he disciplines those He loves through His teachings and consequences, and He cares for them by providing for them and offering forgiveness when they make mistakes.

God is in control; He sits on His throne. That means there is nothing beyond His control. Sometimes He allows things to happen to His people to guide them and teach them. Other times He allows them to happen because He wants them to draw closer to Him. Hosea 6:1 says, “Come, let us return to the Lord; for He has torn us, that He may heal us; He has struck us down, and He will bind us up.” No matter what happens to us, when we return to Him, He will heal us and bind us up if we allow Him to. Whether that means you have walked away from Him and are in need of His restoration, or if your sins have caused you pain and you need forgiveness, He is a good God, and He will redeem you.

So, return to the Lord and allow Him to pour His grace, mercy, and forgiveness over you, that you may live in light of the salvation He has given. May you find yourself whole and healed once again.