Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: Love is Always Hopeful

Love always hopes. It hopes for eternity. It hopes through the good times and the bad. Romans 5:5 tells us that hope never disappoints. There are a lot of things in this life that will disappoint and leave you feeling lost and alone. People will fail you. Dreams will eventually leave you feeling empty. There is nothing that is trustworthy in this world except God the Father. He will never leave you feeling empty or alone. Hebrews 13:5 says that He will never leave you nor forsake you.

It can be hard to hold onto hope in this world. When a natural disaster hits and leaves people feeling lost and vulnerable, where is hope? When a loved one dies, where is hope? When a relationship dissipates after years of being close, where is hope? Hope is in the still small voice in the midst of the raging sea. It is in the thousands of memories that surround loved ones after their beloved is gone. It is in the acts of kindness when communities come together. It is in the words of the Father throughout the Bible that comfort those who feel afraid and alone.

Cling to hope when you feel lost and alone. Cling to it when situations seem impossible. Trust that God is always working for your good and knows the outcome. Hope is in the unknown. Hope is in the unthinkable. Hope is in Christ.