Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: God’s Love

Ephesians 3:18 says, “And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.” Do you really understand how deep and wide the love of God really is? God’s Bible is a love letter from Him to mankind. He used many people throughout time to write His love letters. Some of them were first hand accounts of what the Lord did for His people.

Ephesians is one of those accounts. Paul tells in His letters all that the Lord did for Him. When He rescued him from his sins, He made him an ambassador for the message of Christ. Paul understood the love of God. The Gospels are another example of accounts of men who experienced the miracles and the love of Jesus Christ. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John all tell about Christ in different ways. They all experienced who He was and what He did for everyone around Him.

If someone asked you what God has done for you, what would your account look like? If you honestly think about the love of God, how would you describe it? Spend some time praying about His love and think about the impact it has had on your life.