Verse of the Day

Revelation 21:4

He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.

Revelation 21:4

Wipe Every Tear

This verse can be a hope for so many people who have experienced tragedy and trials. He will wipe every tear from every believer’s eyes. The pain we experience on this earth, whether physical, mental, or emotional pain will be no more when we see Him face to face. Death is a temporary, earthly thing that will go away when we get to heaven. We will not experience the death of our loved ones, the sorrow of our experiences, or the pain from our situations. Instead we will rejoice with our loved ones and worship the God of our salvation. Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?

We can experience this same joy here on earth when we really look to Jesus Christ. While we will still cry over the death of loved ones, a diagnosis, or a broken situation, when we seek out the God of our salvation and really worship Him, He will turn our mourning into dancing and our fear into faith. Allow Him to be the God of your life today so you can rejoice with the saints and those who have gone before you!

A Prayer to Remember

Dear Lord,
You are the God of my heart and I rejoice that you saved me from a life of sorrow. I know that someday you will wipe every tear from my eyes, but for right now I choose to worship you on earth. Amen.