Verse of the Day

Psalm 28:7

The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.

Psalm 28:7

Trusting Him

What a beautiful promise in this Psalm. God is our strength and shield. He helps us and fills our hearts with joy. This Psalm of David is a beautiful picture of his relationship with the Lord. David understood where his strength came from; therefore, he trusted God with all his heart. As a result, God later calls him a man after his own heart. God longs for us to recognize where our strength and help comes from me. When we do, our hearts will fill with joy and songs of thanksgiving, just as David.

Trust in Him in everything: with your big life-changing decisions, your little day-to-day decisions, and everything in between. Who better to guide your life than the God of the Universe who made the heavens and the earth and knows what will happen tomorrow. Go to Him in prayer today, trusting that He will walk with you in this life.

A Prayer to Remember

Dear Lord,
I put my trust in you today. I know that when I trust in you, I find hope, joy, peace, and praise. Help me choose you everyday in my big life decisions and my little, everyday decisions. Amen