Verse of the Day

John 8:24

That is why I said that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am who I claim to be, you will die in your sins.”

John 8:24

Faith in Your Life

Faith is believing. It is believing that an unseen God created everything that was seen. It goes beyond just believing that there is a God. It believes that the God of the Universe sent His Son to walk the earth and love man. It believes that that same God allowed His Son to die for the sins of mankind. It believes that the Son of Man was resurrected and walked the earth again before being caught up to heaven. Faith is believing that God’s forgiveness wipes away sins and gives new life.

However, the opposite of faith is death, an eternal death. Without faith, man dies in his sin and experiences torment forever apart from God. The blessing and gift of faith is eternal life with God the Father, the Creator, the Savior. The curse of denying faith and continuing to live in sin is eternal death. May you instead have the saving faith that gives life!

A Prayer to Remember

Dear Lord,
Increase my faith everyday. Thank you for your salvation and the great gift of eternal life. May my family and friends know the same faith that I know. Amen.