Verse of the Day

John 16:22

So you have sorrow now, but I will see you again; then you will rejoice, and no one can rob you of that joy.

John 16:22

Rejoice Again

The joy God gives the believer is eternal. When someone comes to know Him, he places His joy down deep in the believer’s heart so that it never goes away. No one can steal that joy. No matter what happens in this life, His joy will be with you. When you lose a loved one after a hard battle with cancer, His joy will be there. He will work good in the midst of sorrow. When you lose your job and can’t seem to figure out what comes next in your life, His joy will be there. It will carry you through. When you see the hardships that others go through, whether it is family or friends, His joy will be there for you to spread. His joy is always there. His Word brings rejoicing. His hope brings rejoicing. His peace brings rejoicing.

So lift your head up and rejoice, oh child of God. He has given you reason to rejoice. You belong to Him. He will never leave you nor forsake you. His joy will always be there, even when it’s difficult to see. He is always rejoicing over you, so rejoice in Him.

A Prayer to Remember

Dear Lord,
You have placed your joy in my heart. Thank you for never leaving me and always rejoicing over me. May I find my hope, joy, and peace in you. Amen