Today’s Truth

Daily Truth: Love in the World Today

What does love look like in the world today? We see two conflicting versions of love when we look at both the church and society and what it really looks like. So how do we know which version is right and which one will last?

Society has tried to preach its version of love for centuries. It boasts of a love that is passionate, lustful, and a love at first sight kind of love. These are the types of love you would see in the movies. Boy meets girl and is in love the minute he lays eyes on her. The two “fall in love” and take the next step that the world deems fit; they move in together and begin a physical relationship. It is not long before the relationship ends and scars of bitterness, regret, and shame remain. Slowly, the world has distorted and changed its concept over the years until it has no similarities to the Bible at all.

The Bible’s version of love; however, has stood the test of time and is unfailing. It began with God in the beginning of time and how He created man and woman to walk the earth and have a love relationship with Him. He graciously poured His own love over His creation and taught them how to love. When His people look to Him and His Word, He will continuously teach them how to love with a godly type of love. His love is lasting and unfailing. It is faithful and just. It is everything that 1 Corinthians 13 says it is: kind, patient, not self-serving, just to name a few. Why wouldn’t we want to love with that kind of love?