Verse of the Day

Philippians 2:16

Hold firmly to the word of life; then, on the day of Christ’s return, I will be proud that I did not run the race in vain and that my work was not useless.

Philippians 2:16

Hold Firm

Hold firm. Have you ever had that feeling of holding onto something for dear life? When I was little, I remember attempting to climb across the monkey bars and getting halfway across before I fell. Right before I fell, I hung onto the bar as tightly as I could so I wouldn’t fall. No matter what I did I still fell.

The beautiful thing about God is that when we cling to him, he grabs hold of us and never let’s go. We can hold firmly to him because his Word is a firm foundation and never fails. We can run the race because he runs with us, alongside us even.

A Prayer to Remember

Dear Lord,
Thank you for the race. May I run the race well and pleasing in your sight. May I hold tight to you. Amen.

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: Give to Those in Need

Have you ever seen someone who was very proud of the good work they did? Maybe they had their name announced or inscribed on something. This is not necessarily bad, but it can lead to a pompous attitude and lifestyle. This is possibly why he says in Matthew 6:1-4, “Watch out! Don’t do your good deeds publicly, to be admired by others, for you will lose the reward from your Father in heaven. When you give to someone in need, don’t do as the hypocrites do—blowing trumpets in the synagogues and streets to call attention to their acts of charity! I tell you the truth, they have received all the reward they will ever get. But when you give to someone in need, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Give your gifts in private, and your Father, who sees everything, will reward you.”

There is something to be said of humility, especially in ministry. It can be tempting to think, “I did this,” when a ministry or event was successful. However, this is a dangerous thought. Nothing is truly successful when done without the Lord. God blesses a humble attitude. Jesus previously said in Matthew 5:5 that the humble will inherit his kingdom. When anything is done with humility, the reward will be greater. Recognition is not a bad thing when the recognition goes to the Lord.

Verse of the Day

Philippians 2:14-15

Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people.

Philippians 2:14-15

A Toxic Spark

One of the ways Christians can shine the light of Jesus Christ is to do everything without complaining and arguing. Complaining and arguing can be toxic and spread like wildfire. If you have seen what it can do in a workplace, then you know it can be just as dangerous in the church. It only takes one spark to start a fire. In the same way it only takes one person to create a toxic environment. Complaining and arguing can ruin relationships, friendships, and bodies of believers.

Take some time today to examine your life. Do you tend to be more encouraging or discouraging? Do you lean toward positivity or negativity? Spend some time in prayer and fill your mind with the things of God so you will shine like him instead of distracting people from the Lord.

A Prayer to Remember

Dear Lord,
Thank you for who you are and how you love me. Help me be a light for you and fill me with your Word. Amen.

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: Love Your Enemies

Jesus goes a step further in Matthew 5:43-48 and tells his people, “You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that. But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.” There are several commands in these verses that Jesus gives so that you will live as he does and follow his example.

First, love your enemies! This sounds impossible! However, look at the example of Jesus. He loved those who persecuted him and put him on the cross. He has a deep, godly kind of love for man, that includes his enemies. Next, he tells the people to pray for those who persecute you! He cares for man, both the evil and the good just the same as he describes in these verses, so how much more should we love and pray for our enemies? There is no reward for only loving the easy to love. We must love everyone the same, just as God loves. Jesus says here that it is easy to be kind to those who you love, but that is not living any differently than anyone else? As Christians, we are to stand out from the world, be the light in the darkness, and be kind to everyone. Lastly, he tells his followers to be perfect, as God is perfect. This is only possible when you are loving others, praying for them, and being kind. It makes perfection a little more attainable.

Verse of the Day

Galatians 3:13

But Christ has rescued us from the curse pronounced by the law. When he was hung on the cross, he took upon himself the curse for our wrongdoing. For it is written in the Scriptures, “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.”

Galatians 3:13

Our Rescuer

Jesus is our rescuer. He became the curse meant for us. The penalty for sins is death as it says in Romans 6:23: “the wages of sin is death.” We deserved that death. We deserved the curse. Jesus took it instead. He hung on the cross for us.

The catch is that we have to realize and understand our need for a rescuer. We have to admit that there is a problem first. We must acknowledge our need for him. Then he will rescue us. Someone who is drowning automatically knows they’re drowning. They do not have to think about it. If someone throws them a life preserver or tries to save them, they will go for it because they know their situation. What about you? What about those you know? Take some time to pray and ask God to help those around you realize their need for a Savior.

A Prayer to Remember

Dear Lord,
You are the only one who can rescue us from our sins. You are the Savior. Help me share that good news with the world. Amen.

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: Repentance, Not Revenge

“You have heard the law that says the punishment must match the injury: ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say, do not resist an evil person! If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek alsos” Jesus said in Matthew 5:38-42. This sounds insane, doesn’t it? Why would you allow someone to intentionally hurt you rather than getting revenge? Why would Jesus even suggest this?

The world would have you believe that you need to stand up for yourself, make sure that you do not allow anyone to take advantage of you, and get revenge before they do. Maybe Jesus suggests the opposite of these ideas because he knows that hatred only produces more hatred. It is a cycle that never ends. Martin Luther King Jr. was a man who knew his adversary well. He had lived a life dealing with segregation, racision, and hatred. Yet, when he was met with hatred, he combatted it with peace, love, and the grace of God. One of his famous quotes was, “I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” He knew what hatred would do to him if he allowed it to live and breathe inside of him. Jesus knew this as well. He longs for his people to follow his example in handling their enemies: with peace, love, and the grace God gives us.

Verse of the Day

Isaiah 53:6

All of us, like sheep, have strayed away.
     We have left God’s paths to follow our own.
 Yet the Lord laid on him
     the sins of us all. Isaiah 53:6

We Have Gone Astray

We have all gone astray. We have all had moments of weakness. We have all chosen the things of this world over the Lord. As Christians, we still have a fleshly nature that wants to choose the desires of the world instead of Christ. We battle this nature daily. With every decision, word, or action we must choose whether to follow the Spirit living inside of us or the fleshly nature that constantly reaches out for the world. Sometimes we get distracted by shiny things. Or as this verse says, sometimes we leave God’s path to follow our own. This is why we needed Jesus and His forgiveness. It is why we still need Him every day.

Take some time today to pray and ask God to lead you and guide you so you will follow the Spirit instead of your flesh. When you ask him to lead, be ready to follow!

A Prayer to Remember

Dear Lord,
I want to follow you. Make my paths straight and give me guidance to walk in your ways. Amen.

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: Keeping a Vow

It can be so easy to make a vow or promise; however, not as easy to keep the vow or promise. In fact, if you are human, then you have probably broken a promise at some point in your life. It can be difficult to avoid making promises when you have relationships with people. So is it better to make a promise just to break it or never make a promise in the first place. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said in verses 33-37, “You have also heard that our ancestors were told, ‘You must not break your vows; you must carry out the vows you make to the Lord.’ But I say, do not make any vows! Do not say, ‘By heaven!’ because heaven is God’s throne. And do not say, ‘By the earth!’ because the earth is his footstool. And do not say, ‘By Jerusalem!’ for Jerusalem is the city of the great King. Do not even say, ‘By my head!’ for you can’t turn one hair white or black. Just say a simple, ‘Yes, I will,’ or ‘No, I won’t.’ Anything beyond this is from the evil one.”

So from these verses, it sounds like it is better to avoid promises in the first place if you know that you cannot keep your promise. We know that Jesus does not want us swearing by the name of God when we do make a vow. He even goes on to say that it is better to give a simple answer rather than making empty promises. This is something I have tried to live my life by recently. I feel an urge to tell somebody I will do something for them, but if I never do it, then I know my words were empty and meant nothing. What about you? Do you tend to make promises and keep them, or are you like me in this struggle? Take the advice of Jesus and give simple answers rather than void promises.

Verse of the Day

Philippians 2:13

For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.

Philippians 2:13

His Work in You

God is always working in and through you. You must submit to Him and allow Him to continuously do great things. If you have the Holy Spirit living inside of you, then you always have a guide telling you which way to go and helping you live a life that pleases the Lord. He will give you the desires of God and the strength you need to please the Lord. His work is never finished. You will spend your entire life living and growing in him when you stay in his will and continue to follow him.

Spend some time in prayer each day asking God to change your heart and your desires so that day for him instead.

A Prayer to Remember

Dear Lord,
you are my desire and I long to know you more and more. Help me stay focused on you. Amen.

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: Divorce

“You have heard the law that says, ‘A man can divorce his wife by merely giving her a written notice of divorce.’ But I say that a man who divorces his wife, unless she has been unfaithful, causes her to commit adultery. And anyone who marries a divorced woman also commits adultery,” Matthew 5:31-32 describes. These verses are very difficult to understand, especially in today’s world. Divorce is becoming more and more common. If you and your spouse do not get along, then just divorce.

Divorce was mentioned in the law because of the lawlessness of the time; the man would divorce the woman without any kind of notice, leaving her stuck in the marriage financially and spiritually. So the law permitted divorce with a written notice to free the woman. However, this was never God’s design. God created man and woman to live together in the unity of marriage and to fulfill God’s purpose. He wants husband and wife to honor him with their lives and relationship.