Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: Nothing Can Separate You

If God is for us, who can be against us? What else is there for man to fear? This verse in Romans 8:31 is an encouraging verse because it tells us that there is absolutely nothing in this world that can tear us apart from the love of Christ. Once we become one of his children, we are His and are held in the palm of His hands.

Verse 35 says that nothing can separate us from His love. The devil cannot separate from the love of Christ because the work has already been done. He already won the victory at the cross. However, the enemy will continuously try to entrap us again and again. He will try to steal our joy and make us question God. He will use others to try and accomplish this. He reigns over the darkness and is always working in the lives of those who don’t know him. So when we are hurt by someone who doesn’t know the Lord, we must remember that they are not one of His people, so they will not act like Him. We have become His sons and daughters, so we must act like Him. What a comforting thought that there is nothing that can separate us from His love. He is always with us.

So when others come against us or question our beliefs, we can rest assured that God is for us and will stand with us when we take a stand! Take comfort in knowing that God is with you and that nothing can separate you from His love!