Verse of the Day

Jeremiah 30:17

I will give you back your health and heal your wounds,” says the Lord. “For you are called an outcast—‘Jerusalem for whom no one cares.’”

Jeremiah 30:17

The God who Heals

In this scripture, Jeremiah is telling the people that God who has been their king, will restore them as a nation. They will be broken down because of the sins they have committed, but God will save them once again. He promises that He will give them back their health, heal their wounds, and care for them like no one else could. They had become an outcast overridden by their enemies, a desolate nation, but God would bring them back stronger than before.

What a beautiful picture of what God does for us. He heals our wounds, and this doesn’t necessarily mean our physical, but can be mental and health wounds that we have experienced. But He can also heal our physical wounds. He gives us back our health, spiritual, physical, or emotional. He restores us and rescues us from the pit we have gotten ourselves into. God cares about everyone, especially the outcast and those who feel like they have been cast aside. He is a great King and worthy of our praise.

A Prayer to Remember

Dear Lord,
You are my king. You are the ruler of my heart. You restore me to good health and you heal my wounds. You care for me like no one else. Thank you. Amen.