Today’s Truth

Daily Truth: The Many Faces of Evangelism

Evangelism has many faces and looks different with every person. The most important attribute of evangelism, though, is exclaiming to those who are lost about a Savior who will rescue them. Whatever method you use, the end result is the same: sharing the gospel. However, evangelism is something that every believer should pray about so that they can be effective in the gospel ministry.

Let us look at two different examples so you can see which one is more effective. The first person was excited about sharing his faith. He wanted to tell the world about his newfound faith! So, he began talking about all the Lord had done for him in every conversation he had with someone. There was no question he was a follower of Christ. He built relationships with nonbelievers so he could share his faith. As a result, some of his closest friends came to know the Lord. Another person had known Christ for many years but wasn’t quite as loud about her faith. She went to work everyday and did not engage in vulgar conversations and when the rest of the office went out after work, she did not so she didn’t taint her witness. However, she never really spoke about her faith, so her coworkers just thought she was a “goody-two shoes.” Both of these people lived out their faith and made sure they did not engage in worldly conversations, but only one of them really shared their faith.

Sharing your faith is more than just the way you live, it is about telling the good news to those around you. As a believer, you need to make sure you speak about the truth of Christ. You can do this by sharing Scriptures or your testimony. Pray and ask God to help you live out and SHARE your faith!