Today’s Truth

Daily Truth: Being a Trustworthy Person

People want to have others in their lives who they can trust and count on. It is disappointing when someone says they will do something and then they fail to do it. Or when they act one way at church on Sunday, but the rest of their days don’t match their Sunday life. Even the lost world can see right through a believer who is not trustworthy. So how can you live your life in such a way that makes others trust you?

First, place your trust in God as your source. Isaiah 26: 3-4 says, “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock.” We will be a trustworthy person when our lives and our eyes are fixed on the Lord. He will keep us in perfect peace. He will be our trust! He will teach us how to trust others and He will teach us how to be true to our words. This is the way Jesus lived. He was always faithful and kept His promises. Next, live in such a way that gives others reasons to trust you. Follow Jesus and His examples He set. When you do, you won’t give those around you reasons to question you as a trustworthy person.

Be the person others can count on. Be the person who points others to Jesus. Make Him look good! Make others want to know Him and trust Him more. Your witness will either lead people to the Lord or will lead them away from Him, so make sure you are living a trustworthy life!