Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: Hope can be resurrected.

Your situation isn’t too far gone for God. Your hope can be resurrected.

In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? – Luke 24:5

These women went back to the tomb where Jesus had been buried. They were looking back at what had been. The angel asked them why were you looking for the living among the dead. The angel was telling them that even though their hope (Jesus) was once dead, it had now been resurrected. They didn’t have to keep looking for it in the place of death. In the same way, our hope can be resurrected, if we put it in Jesus.

Hope is important as it is the motivation for you to reach your God given dreams. Always remember that your situation isn’t too hopeless for a resurrection. Your dream isn’t too far off for Jesus to help bring it to pass in your life. If you choose to keep hope alive, your situation is never too hopeless. If you trust in God and lean on Him as the source of your hope, you’ll never be disappointed and never be without true hope.

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: Takes Time Alone With God

Proverbs 20:27 – The spirit of a man is the lamp of the lord searching all the inner depths of his heart

God wants to reveal things to you about your future. However, God isn’t going to show you those things using Snapchat,, Instagram or any other social media platform, but wouldn’t it be nice if he did? God reveals things to you in your spirit. And it’s not complicated: to hear God you’ve got to get quiet and listen. That’s hard sometimes, social media is way more fun than reading your Bible and prayer. However, God wants to talk to you and reveal things to you. You’ve just got to get quiet to listen to your spirit.

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: Stress is rooted in fear.

Perhaps you’re stressed out about homework. If you’re honest, are you fearful that you don’t understand it, or that you won’t get it done in the time you have to do it each night?

Maybe relationships stress you out. Deep down, you’re afraid you won’t be accepted or that you’ll miss out on something really fun.

If we’re not careful, the stress of life will keep us from really enjoying those blessings God puts around us. So today, if the newness of school has worn off and you’re starting to feel stress, remember stress isn’t of God. God hasn’t given us a spirit of fear, but rather of power, love, and a sound mind!

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: True happiness isn’t found in things.

True happiness isn’t found in having something, doing something or being something. Being happy is a choice. Everyday you have to choose if you’re going to let problems and the stressful situations you face get you down. If you wait until all your problems and stress go away to be happy, you’ll be waiting a long time.

In the midst of the stresses and problems facing you, you can choose to enjoy your life. Just like you can set the alarm clock on your phone to get up in the morning for school, you can choose to set your attitude everyday.

Happiness is a choice. You choose everyday if you’re going to let the worries, problems and junk from your day get you down. Determine that you’re going to decide to be happy no matter what is going on around you. You’ll find that you’ll quickly start enjoying life more!

Today’s Truth

Daily Truth: Finding Your Strength

Life often brings seasons of isolation and loneliness, chaos, sorrow, and exhaustion. There are times when we must adapt, find creative ways to connect, and navigate unexpected changes. Hope can sometimes feel distant, and joy may seem rare. Yet, as Christians, our true hope and joy come from the Lord.

Isaiah 40 beautifully describes the strength of the Lord and how He helps the weak. He is not like us—He never grows tired or weary. He gives strength to the weary and power to the powerless. The Lord is not seeking those who rely solely on their own strength but is instead calling the broken and the weary. Verse 31 says:
“But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.”
This verse reminds us that there is strength in trusting in the Lord! It speaks of a “new” strength—a strength that only comes from Him. It is a strength that fulfills, transforms, and sustains us in ways nothing else can.

As we step into this new season, let us find our strength in the Lord. Trust that He will sustain you and give you the courage to face each day. When you put your hope in Him, you will soar on wings like eagles, run without growing weary, and walk without fainting. Whether you are trusting Him for the first time or returning after a time of striving on your own, now is the perfect moment to begin anew.

May this be a season of renewed strength and enduring hope as we place our trust in Him.

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: His promise to you is eternal

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. – 2 Cor 4:18

When we look at all the things going on around us, we can get distracted. There are so many things calling for our attention. Many of these things are only temporary. But, the promises of God are eternal.

Placing our eyes and minds on the promises of God, helps us to see the unseen. These things will last forever. If God made a promise to you in the Bible, then you can be sure it’s eternal. It doesn’t matter if you see that promise working at this moment, it is a true and you can stand on it.

Trusting in God’s promises more than what you see around you can be very comforting. You can know that what you see is only temporary.

Today focus in on a promise that God made to you in the Bible. Realize that His promise to you is eternal.

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: Faith Is Fearless

God probably isn’t calling you to leave your house and move into a tent in a new country. However, He’s probably speaking to your heart to do something.

Maybe it’s taking your allowance and buying your brother lunch, or sharing your testimony with your friend that is really scared. There’s something that God can use you to do in these times.

However, what God calls you to isn’t always comfortable. Usually, it’s easier to just ignore it, stay home and spend the afternoon watching TikTok videos.

Being a person of faith means you ignore fear and what feels easy and you step out into what God is calling you to do. So today, be fearless. God has good things in store for you, if you just step out in faith!

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: In Jesus, we are protected.

In Jesus, we are protected. Through Jesus, we have power over the enemy.
That means in these scary and uncertain times we don’t have to be afraid. We can put our trust in Jesus. He will protect us and see us through.

Today, walk in faith. Trust God and know that He will see you through!

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: Swap fears for faith by thinking about what God says.

Instead, you should challenge yourself to pay attention to your thoughts. Instead of filling up on news and bad reports, consider listening to God’s Word instead.

Read your Bible, find a devotion that feeds you, and listen to worship music. As you focus your thoughts on God’s word instead of fear, everything will seem better.

You won’t suddenly come out of isolation or anything, but it will help your attitude and outlook during this time. So if you’ve been guilty of thinking negative thoughts determine to spend more time in God’s word. Replace fear with faith by thinking about what God says.

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: A Life Planted in God Prospers

When your foundation in life is in God and His word, then no matter what things you go through, you prosper.

Don’t forget, God has good things in store for you. He will see you through this trying time. He loves you and if you stay close to Him, you’ll come out on the other side better.

Be encouraged, even though times are hard, we serve a good God. God will always see you through. Stay close to Him by reading your Bible. As you keep yourself planted in Him and His Word, you’ll come through this better than before!