Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: His Marvelous Craftsmanship

We are God’s prized possession as it says in James 1:18: “He chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession.” What an amazing thought. Do you have something in your life that is your prized possession? Maybe it is a rare item like a baseball card or an antique. Maybe it is something that was passed down in your family. Maybe it is something that just means a lot to you because of who the giver was. Well, We are God’s prized possession.

He created us and knows us better than we know ourselves. An inventor is always proud of their invention, just as an author is proud of his book. In the same way, God is proud of His creation. In the garden of Eden, after God created man, He saw his creation and said that it was good. He was proud of what He had made. But only man can have a personal relationship with Him. The birds cannot. The beasts of the sea and land cannot. The trees cannot have a relationship with Him. He created man to have a relationship with Him.

He was pleased with His creation. The beautiful thing is that God still creates. Psalm 139:13-14 says, “You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous— how well I know it.” He is still creating today! Take joy in your Creator and bask in His wondrous works!

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: Good and Perfect Gift

So don’t be misled, my dear brothers and sisters. Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. James 1:16-17

In this life we must be aware of the dangers around us. The word says that the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy and he will try to do that in any way he can. In my life, I have seen him do all of these things. I have seen him kill people who were addicted to various things. I have seen him steal the joy the Christian has. I have seen him destroy church bodies over little things. So, yes, he will kill, steal, and destroy the Christian in any way he can. We must be on guard against him.

However, we know that God is the complete opposite of the enemy. He comes to give us a way and a hope. Every good and perfect gift is from Him. We must recognize when God is working in our lives. God is the same as he was yesterday, and will be the same for generations to come. He always works in the lives of His people. This verse reminds us that He never changes. Just as He worked in countless people‘s lives in the Bible, He will work in your life. That is a promise.

Do you know God in this way? Do you trust that he is always working for your good, and He has promised to walk with you through this life? We can have peace because He never changes. We can have hope because His gifts are good and perfect. Just as He was the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, He is the God of you and me today. Put your hope in Him.

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: It Begins in the Mind

Sin does not just happen. It begins in the mind and gives way to actions. We don’t just “accidently” sin and go against God. It is a choice that begins with a thought or desire. James 1:15 says, “These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death.” It begins in the mind. When you begin to entertain thoughts of sin and evil, it will consume your mind until you make a choice to defy God. Then sin is birthed as this verse says. Once it is out there in the world there are two choices. You can either repent and turn back to God, or you can continue on in the sin. Once you choose to continue, sin will grow and eventually lead to death as this verse says.

So how do we stop this from happening? First, it begins in the mind. You must take every thought captive as it says in 2 Corinthians 10:5: “We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.” We capture the thought and make it obey. What does this look like? Immediate prayer. The second you feel your mind wandering, stop and pray. Ask God to help purify your mind. THe other thing you must do is fill your mind with scripture and the things of God. This can only be done if you are studying scripture and spending time in the Word. Take time every day to fill your mind with Him.

You can stop sin before it happens. You can change the trajectory of your journey by repenting and following God. He is the only One who can free you of your sin and thoughts.

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: The Struggle

We will struggle with our own desires and our desire to follow the Lord. We have a spiritual nature and a sin nature and they are always in conflict with each other. They will always be at war. So when we struggle with our sin nature, we cannot blame anyone but ourselves as James 1:13-14 tells us: “And remember, when you are being tempted, do not say, “God is tempting me.” God is never tempted to do wrong, and he never tempts anyone else. Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away.” God does not tempt us. He does not present us with sin. Our sinful nature is what often leads us away and entices us.

It all began in the Garden of Eden. Remember Adam and Eve and the fruit? That day in the garden, the enemy presented Eve with a choice. Follow God or choose her own desire to eat of the fruit that God warned her against. She chose sin, and then Adam followed and chose sin as well. A rift formed between God and man. Sin can not be in the presence of God, so He had to send them out of the beautiful garden where God walked with man. So the struggle began. However, the story did not end there. God made a way to repair the relationship with man and restore him once again: Jesus. Jesus was the way, the truth, and the life. Man was now able to come to the Father through the Savior! It is because of the Savior that we do not have to live in our sin and struggles. We can follow Him and He will deliver us!

You are faced with a choice everyday. You can choose your sin and struggles and find yourself empty and desolate, or you can choose God and His ways and find peace and joy!

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: Resist the Enemy

As difficult as it can be living in this world some days, we are promised that for Christians, this life is not the end. We will inherit a great reward. When this life is over, we will see Jesus Himself and inherit eternity with God forever. However, there will still be great testing and temptation while living in this world. James 1:12 says, “God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.”

We know that James 1:3-4 says that the testing of faith will grow the Christian, so we will continue to be tested, but we decide if we allow those tests and trials to grow us in the faith or destroy faith. We decide if we want to give into temptation and follow the ways of the world, or overcome the same temptations that Jesus faced. This can feel impossible some days when it feels like it would be easier to give in and live as the world lives. So how can we resist this temptation? James 4:7 says, “So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” Humble yourself so you will be able to resist the devil. This is a daily task, not just a one time thing. Romans 12:2 tells us, “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” If you resist the urge to copy the world’s behavior, you will see how God is transforming you.

So set your eyes on eternity and the reward you will gain if you resist the devil. Every morning give your day to God and glorify Him!

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: The Rich and Humility

What does the Bible say of the rich? James 1:10-11 tells us, “And those who are rich should boast that God has humbled them. They will fade away like a little flower in the field. The hot sun rises and the grass withers; the little flower droops and falls, and its beauty fades away. In the same way, the rich will fade away with all of their achievements.” Does this mean that every rich person is doomed to fade away with all of their achievements? Do not miss what James says the rich should do. They should boast of how the Lord has humbled them. The difference between those who use their riches to please themselves and the rich who use their riches to glorify God is humility. Those who glorify God and live their lives for Him will see God do amazing things in them and through them.

Remember the story of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16:19-31? The rich man lived in luxury everyday and paid no attention to Lazarus, the sick and poor man who sat at his gate everyday hoping to get scraps from the poor man’s table. When they both died, Lazarus went to live in heaven and the rich man saw no relief in the “place of the dead.” Even in hell, he still paid no respect to Lazarus and asked that he would come and bring him relief. He saw Lazarus as nothing but someone poor and more lowly than himself. His riches clouded his view of who he was and who Lazarus was.

Riches are not bad when used to glorify the Lord. There are so many ways to help in this world, whether it is sponsoring a child, giving to missions, or supporting the local church! We must never lose the attitude that we are all a people in need of a Savior!

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: The God Who Rescues the Poor

James 1:9 says, “Believers who are poor have something to boast about, for God has honored them.” Why would God give honor to the poor and lift them up? Who are the poor? How can we have the attitude of those who are poor?

The Bible talks about the poor in many different books and chapters. Psalm 34:6 says, “In my desperation (poor) I prayed, and the Lord listened; he saved me from all my troubles.” Job says in 29:12, “For I assisted the poor in their need and the orphans who required help.” Proverbs 22:16 says, “A person who gets ahead by oppressing the poor or by showering gifts on the rich will end in poverty,” and in 21:13, “Those who shut their ears to the cries of the poor will be ignored in their own time of need.” Perhaps the most famous verse in the Beatitudes about the poor (Matthew 5:3), “God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.” God honors those who are poor in spirit because their hearts and eyes are not turned to anything else. They are fixed upon the Lord only to rescue them from their desperation like Psalm 34:6 tells us. Job was a man who continuously helped the poor and when he found himself in need, his faith was increased and God heard His cry. He was a living example of Matthew 5:3. He was blessed because of his faith. He did not shut his ears to the cries of the poor like Proverbs 22:16 says, so the Lord rescued him in his time of need.

The poor is not a group of people, but instead describes someone in need, whether that be physical or spiritual. When we reach out to others in need and boast about the One who saves, He will save us in our time of need as well. He is a God who rescues.

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: Choose Him Daily

When referring to Christians who are not pursuing growth, James 1:8 says, “Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do.” Your faith will not grow if you are focused on God and the world. Your loyalty will be divided and your relationship with God will suffer the cost. James goes on to say in 4:4, “You adulterers! Don’t you realize that friendship with the world makes you an enemy of God? I say it again: If you want to be a friend of the world, you make yourself an enemy of God.” Just as marriage does not work if one spouse’s attention is divided, so is a relationship with God. If you are focused on the world, you will not be able to see the work that God is doing. James 1:8 is correct. You will be unstable in your life and decisions.

So how can you keep your eyes on the Lord alone? First, you must not entertain a friendship with the world. Jesus says in John 15:19 that the world will love you if you belong to it, but you are no longer part of it because Jesus chose you to be His; therefore, the world will hate you. When you accepted His gift of salvation, you became His. You chose Him over the world. Remind yourself of that choice every single day! When you are going throughout your day, take time to stop and pray so that God will protect you from entertaining worldly thoughts.

Choose Him all day and every day! Surround yourself with people who choose Him as well and lift each other up. Life is so much better with Him.

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: Faith that Saves

When you ask God for wisdom, make sure it is out of your faith in Him and nothing else. James 1:6-7 says, “But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.” The waves of life will come and try to derail you from your faith journey, but you must remain strong. There are many who become tossed about because they do not keep their eyes on Jesus.

Think of when Peter walked on the water. The disciples saw Jesus out on the water and were afraid, thinking He was a ghost. Yet Peter said in Matthew 14:28 after Jesus told them it was Him, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.” With faith, He began walking on the water toward Jesus. His eyes were focused on Him alone until He glanced down at the raging waters. All at once He began to sink and He cried out, “Save me, Lord!” in verse 30. Verse 31 says, “Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. ‘You have so little faith,’ Jesus said. ‘Why did you doubt me?’” Peter’s faith kept him above the water because He was only focused on the Savior, Jesus. The minute his eyes captured the storms, his faith diminished and he started to sink.

We are no different. When we are focused on the author and perfecter of our faith, there will not be anything else that will matter. However, when we allow the distractions of the world to divert our attention, we will become afraid like Peter and will not see the work God is doing in our lives. So reach out for Him today and keep your eyes focused on the One who saves.

Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: The Wisdom fo God

We are not meant to walk through this life on our own wisdom. Our wisdom will only get us so far. We were never meant to figure everything out on our own. In fact, 1 Corinthians 1:25 says, “This foolish plan of God is wiser than the wisest of human plans, and God’s weakness is stronger than the greatest of human strength.” God’s foolishness is still wiser than the wisest plans of men! Think about that for a minute. Man has created some amazing things: spaceships, modern medicine, the internet! Yet even the genius of those things is nothing compared to God. There is one thing man cannot do: create with God’s materials. His dirt. His trees. His land. His water. What does this tell us about God? He is trustworthy because He is Creator God. The author of life. The origin of life. The giver of life.

God’s wisdom sustains us, spurs us on, and repairs us. James 1:5 says, “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.” His wisdom sustains us because He is the generator of wisdom. Since He created the world and all things in it, He knows everything about everything. He created life so he knows what goes before us. He knows the future. We only know what is right in front of us. We can be encouraged that His wisdom will see us through and motivate us. It also repairs what was broken. Only His wisdom can restore relationships. He sees everything, remember? So He can repair and restore.

Unfortunately, we tend to go everywhere else before going to Him. We trust the advice of others more than God when they cannot possibly know all of the story or see the future. What if we went to God first? What if we trusted Him before anyone else? Imagine what He could do in your life! Trust Him with your days, your relationships, your life.