Today’s Truth

Daily Truth: Working Out Your Salvation

Philippians 2:12b tells us to work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear. This is not telling us that our salvation is based on works, but rather that our works are a product of our salvation. Being a Christian is not always an easy thing. There can be many struggles and trials, so when this verse says to work out your salvation, it just means continually following the Lord and his will.

The evidence of a believer’s life is in the way he walks with God, talks with other believers and nonbelievers, and his actions. If someone professes to know Christ, but denies him by the way they live, then do they really know him? Works and faith go together. Your faith is not based on your works, but your works are based on your faith. So when you study God’s word and pray fervently, you will find it easier to obey God with deep reference and fear as this verse states. A car cannot run unless the gas tank has something in it. Our Christian lives are the same way. We have to make sure we are always filling up our tank so we can go out and serve the Lord. When we do that, we will be working out our salvation.

Make every effort to grow in your relationship with God. Live your life in such a way that others can look and see the handprints of God at work in your life. A life with God is so much better than a life on your own.