Verse of the Day

Philippians 4:6

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Philippians 4:6

Make Your Requests Known

We are a people who worry about everything. We worry about where we will live, who we will marry, what job we will have. We worry about finances, friends, and family. We worry about little things everyday and the big things. Worrying pollutes our minds and hearts. It prevents us from trusting in the Lord. What is it that you worry about? What do you need to do to stop worrying and begin trusting in the Lord?

This verse says that we should not be anxious about anything but in EVERYTHING let your requests be made known to God. How do you make these requests known? Prayer and supplication- communicating with the Lord. The key to stop worrying is to talk with God. This is something you need to do everyday. When you wake up in the morning and you feel the pressure of the day and it is overwhelming, pray and ask God to calm your heart. Ask Him for His help everyday. When you lay your head on the pillow at night, thank Him for His care over you.

A Prayer to Remember

Dear Lord,

Thank you for your watchcare over me everyday. Help me remember that when I am feeling overwhelmed or anxious, I can turn to you. Amen