Today’s Truth

Today’s Truth: One Accord

Paul tells the church in Philippians 2:1-2 “So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.” This is God’s purpose for the church and especially for the body of Christ. He wants her to be of one accord and one mind so that she can accomplish His purpose. She will be effective when all parts of the body work together.

God created the church, the body of believers, for a reason. The church is the bride of Christ. He loves her so much and wants her to glorify Him and work together for His purpose. I have seen churches that made Christ their foundation and built amazing ministries on that foundation. I have sat in a service and felt the Holy Spirit there, connecting the people and moving among them. These churches are seeing many added to their number as the Acts 2 church did. I have also seen churches that rejected Christ as their foundation and made it more about themselves. I have sat in services and felt the Holy Spirit leave because the people were glorifying themselves and rejecting others. God longs for us to work together for His purpose so we can see many come to know Him. That should be our goal: the salvation of souls.

Spend some time in prayer for churches across the country. Pray that they would refocus and allow God to be the center of their church and their foundation. May they work to unify their church so that God will bless their congregations. If you are part of a God-glorifying church, then thank Him for that church and work hard to make sure you are unified with the body of Christ. If your church is struggling to focus on God, then pray for them and make sure you are focused on God and His work. When God’s people turn toward Him, He will do amazing things.