Verse of the Day

1 John 4:4

But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.

1 John 4:4

Children of God

If you know Christ, then you are one of God’s children. You are a daughter or son of the King! Because you are a child of God, then the victory has already been won over your life. You do not have to worry about the enemy’s attacks because Jesus won the victory over you when He died on the cross. And that victory is greater than anything that can happen in your life. The Spirit that lives in you is greater than the spirit that lives in the world. God has crushed the enemy under his feet, so we do not have to worry because God is in control and Christ is king. We will still go through troubles and trials, but we will not have to worry about what happens at the end of our lives.

Have you ever been to a funeral of someone who did not know Christ? It can be very devastating to watch and listen to others as they mourn the loss of their loved one, knowing that their life on earth was the end. But for the Christian life in this world is not the end, it is the beginning! That is all the more reason to share the good news about Jesus with our fellow man. When life ends on this earth, it can be seen as a celebration instead of mourning. The believer has passed from one life to the other. Yes, we still grieve the life of our loved ones, but we grieve for ourselves, not for them. We know that they are in eternity with God the Father and Jesus the Son. So, take heart when you go through suffering in this life and know that it is only momentary. There is so much more that we can live for.

A Prayer to Remember

Dear Lord,
You have overcome this world. You sent your son to overcome the grave. May I look forward to eternity instead of focusing on the momentary troubles of this world. Amen.