Verse of the Day

1 Peter 5:8

Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.

1 Peter 5:8

Stay Alert!

In this verse, Peter is warning his fellow believers. He knows how enticing the enemy can be in moments of weakness as he was the one who denied Jesus three times before He went to the cross. In a moment of weakness, he thought of himself instead of the Savior he loved. He had to have regretted that moment every day after. This verse is evidence of that regret.

Our enemy, the devil, looks for anyone who he can devour and destroy. He delights in the destruction of lives. Even though he cannot claim your heart, for it belongs to Jesus Christ through salvation, he will do everything he can to trick and entice you as he did Peter. So Peter is telling you to stay alert. Watch out for the devil, for he prowls around like a roaring lion. He is on the hunt like a predator for its prey. So how do we avoid the enemy? We keep a watchful eye and keep our eyes daily focused on Jesus Christ. You see, Peter focused on himself and his worries in that moment. But every day after Christ’s death, he focused on his Savior instead, preaching about him and leading others to him. He did not make that mistake again.

A Prayer to Remember

Dear Lord,
May I have a watchful eye and always keep my eyes focused on you. Lead me Lord, so I am not led astray. Amen.